Climber and Rambler Rose


Pas de Deux Courtyard®

POUlhult Poulsen®

pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses

Light yellow - climber rose - discrete scented rose - peach aroma

Fragrance: discrete scented rose - peach aroma
Height: 4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm)
Disease: Not susceptible to diseases.
Remontancy: Well blooming ability, the second flowering is abundant.
Profile: -
Pas de Deux
16,70 €
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Climber rose - discrete scented rose - peach aroma - buy roses online - Rosa Pas de Deux - yellow

Perfect plants for smaller gardens. They require minimal soil surface, at the same time shading, covering and extending the garden to vertical surfaces. Rose arches, rose gates.

Rosa Pas de Deux - yellow - climber rose
Light yellow - climber rose - discrete scented rose - peach aroma
Buy roses online - climber rose - discrete scented rose - peach aroma - Pas de Deux - yellow - (4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm))
Rose - viragzat: cluster Rose - Height: 4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm) Rose - Flower shape: flat Rose - telallosag: -21°C Rose - yellow - Poulsen® climber rose - virag_meret: M (1,5-2,75 in) Rose - virag_meret: M (1,5-2,75 in) - Height: 4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm) Rose - Height: 4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm) - viragteltseg: semi - doubled bloom form Pas de Deux - Rozsak_a_kertben pharmaROSA® Original - premium gold Poulsen Roser A/S


We describe now the appearance of the roses you buy from us online.


Meaning of the name: -
Synonymic name: -
Registered species name: POUlhult
Original commercial name: Pas de Deux
Commercial name: Courtyard® Poulsen® Pas de Deux POUlhult
Exhibition name accepted by American Rose Society: Pas de Deux


Treder: Poulsen®
Awards: -
Year became commerc: 2007
Year of registration: 2005
Year of breeding: Denmark, 2007
Breeder: Poulsen Roser A/S


Rose group: Climber, Large-Flowered Climber
Commercial type: climber rose
Commercial group: climber and rambler rose


Number of petals: 15-25
Flower fullness: semi - doubled bloom form
Aroma: peach aroma
Scent: discrete scented rose
Remontancy: Well blooming ability, the second flowering is abundant.
Flower size: M (1,5-2,75 in)
Inflorescence: cluster
Flower shape: flat
Flower colour: light yellow
Colour: yellow
Colour code: YEw


Plant range: 2.6-3.3ft (80-100 cm)
Planting / sq feet: 10/sq ft
Width: 3.3-4.9ft (100-150 cm)
Height: 4.9-6.6ft (150-200 cm)
Habit: Perfect plants for smaller gardens. They require minimal soil surface, at the same time shading, covering and extending the garden to vertical surfaces. Rose arches, rose gates.
Foliage: medium sized - glossy - medium - green
Thorns: average thorny


Winter hardiness USDA: -18°C
Susceptibility to disease: Not susceptible to diseases.


Previously used trademark: -
Comment: -


Profile: -
Product type: pharmaROSA® ORIGINAL - 2 liters potted roses
Product name: Rosa Pas de Deux - yellow - climber rose
Type of identity: Tested:24.07.2024
Species quality: premium gold

Product ID

item number: [811] 40-044 (27.01.2025)

Rose hip

Hip biggest diameter: -
Hip shape: -
Hip colour: -


BIG - flower rosa
MICRO - mini rosa
SIMPLE  - rosa
SPICULA - rosa
SELECTION - pharmaRosa

Company informations

antoniaROSE® - pharmaROSA® Ltd.
 Uimhir chlárúcháin na cuideachta: 01-09-717479
 Uimhir chánach: 13075314-2-43
 Uimhir chuntais bhainc:
   Ainm an bhainc: Raiffeisen Bank
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